Nos Clients
Whether they are states or institutions, luxury brands, multinationals or individuals, our clients place their trust in our language and culture specialists, and in our international network of teachers and schools hand-picked for their professionalism and teaching excellence.
Our clients include:
Language stays organised for managers
Language stays organised for managers
Language, culture and teacher training courses organised for first and second level national education teachers.
Language stays organised for doctors and nurses
Immersive language courses organised for students of the School, and for qualified specialists for the purposes of continuous training.
Language courses for air traffic controllers
Language courses for air traffic controllers and administrative staff.
Language courses for air traffic controllers and administrative staff
Immersive language courses for air traffic controllers and administrative staff.
Language courses for air traffic controllers and administrative staff.
Language courses for air traffic controllers and administrative staff
Language courses for air traffic controllers and administrative staff.
Language courses for air traffic controllers and administrative staff.
Language courses for air traffic controllers and administrative staff